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1 testimonies found related to La victoria de Blanca
Created by Cristian
On Jan-28-2011
Conversion testimony
La victoria de Blanca
Las investigaciones dicen que un alto porcentaje de los adolescentes que comienzan a usar drogas, lo hacen por situaciones emocionales. Es decir, que la droga no es la enfermedad, sino uno de sus sín...

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Hilmar was forced into the Hitler Youth training and fought as a German soldier in World War II. He says the Nazi system, like any other totalitarian system, is based on lies. Lies are at the root of the problem in the world. ...
Created by Cristian
On Nov-01-2011
Jeb Britt-Baker
I had no control over my life at all. Nothing else was important, my children, my wife, my farm, nor my life. Nothing did I care about except cocaine and alcohol....
Created by Cristian
On Oct-20-2011
Tony Aruta. Snatched From Death
Tony Aruta's life's purpose used to be to get a buzz, even if it meant robbing someone to get it. Waking up from a drug induced coma and a loving sister's compassion steered Tony toward Jesus....
Created by Cristian
On Oct-20-2011
Kellie Tew. Tew Much Trouble
Kellie Tew was molested when she was very young. This event sent her into a world of sex, drugs and broken relationships. Her third husband, J.D. Tew, had Christian roots, returned to Christ and Kellie had to choose. ...
Created by Cristian
On Oct-12-2011
Kele Sewell. I Should Be Dead
He was a doctor abusing prescription pills and alcohol. With nowhere to turn, he put a shotgun in his mouth.....
Created by Cristian
On Oct-24-2011
Prit Adams: An Undeniable Miracle
Prit Adams was in a coma for fifty-two days after a brain aneurysm, but a families' prayers and the help of doctors set the stage for a miracle....
This single mom found a way to make an uncertain income meet all her needs. Do you have a financial need? Find out what changed Stacy's situation....
How could this sweet young girl get mixed up in prostitution? However she got there, God was going to get her out....
Washington Redskins linebacker London Fletcher shares with CBN Sports how he finally accepted God's direction for his life and the impact that has had on his NFL career....




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